I shaved my Head

I shaved my head.................NOT................. I would NEVER as a trend shave the side, sides, back, top, or full thing!  Can you imagine what that would be like to grow it out. Especially just one side of your head?

Has anyone seen, "The Perks of being a Wallflower?" There is a part in the movie where the boy (who is drunk) looks at his friend (who has a a side shaved head) and says, " I think you'll look back at pictures of when you had this haircut and wonder what the heck was I thinking." 

Now let me just add this before I offend anyone. I.........ME........MYSELF..........would never ever  try this trend purely for the fact that I've been growing my hair for the past 10yrs and there is no way I would want to grow it out again. That being said, I have seen plenty of ladies totally rockin this hair do!

The shaved side with long hair is not my personal favorite but I do like it on a number of short hair cuts! So if you are looking for something crazy to do with your hair this year. There you go! It's trendy and with Utah being so conservative you'd probably really standout :)
