Monday Inspire Me
One of my best moves is to surround myself with friends who, instead of asking, "Why?" are quick to say, "Why not?" The attitude is contagious.
-Oprah Winfrey
-Oprah Winfrey
I've thought a lot about this. Do I surround myself with good company who encourage me to pursue my dreams? Do I have friends that are happy for me when all goes right in my life? Do I have friends that comfort and cry with me when times are hard? One of my favorite things in life is to observe peoples behaviors. Sometimes on my weekends I'd go to crowded places just to observe people. I find it very interesting how we interact with one another. Over my lifetime I have often noticed that people can be cynical and negative towards those whom are doing financially better than them. They are often critical of their purchases and how they spend their money but the second life grants them with some type of financial increase, they participate in making the same purchases they once criticized. It's interesting to me. So my thought is this........Be happy, GENUINELY happy for your friends and family. Wish them success! Help them achieve it! Inspire them! Compliment them! Encourage them! Love them! We can all achieve greatness together by lifting each other up! So as my good friend Oprah stated, "find friends that ask why not!"
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