Hey ladies and gentlemen if you read this blog or check in every now and then, share with us some of your favorite outfits, hobbies, or ideas. That's right ..........we want to feature your interests! Whether it's crafts, kids clothing, food, working out, serving, saving the world or photography. Share with us what you are passionate about and we will post about YOU on "Featured Fridays"
You can email me at or leave a comment below with your email and I will contact you.

Being passionate about something in life is what gives us purpose. It can be something as vain as fashion (wink wink) or something grand and life altering as fostering children. We all have things we are passionate about. Share them with us. Learning about others and what makes them happy is always a fun way to build relationships with those around you. If you can't think of something but would like to have someone you know featured for something they do or cherish, we'd love to hear about it. It does not have to be fashion related. It just has to be something you love!
